1 January 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) coming into force. As we approach this landmark date, join Holyrood for its annual flagship FOI event, where we will reflect on the impact that FOI has had over this time.
Following consultations on FOI reform in recent years, and a proposed Member’s Bill, the event will provide delegates with an update on the latest policy developments and an opportunity to discuss the changing environment in which FOI practitioners are working.
By attending a series of keynote, panel and breakout sessions, delegates will get tips on how to overcome some of the common issues experienced by those involved in FOI and learn from colleagues demonstrating good practice in FOI.
Who should attend?
This event is relevant to people who work, or have an interest, in:
- Freedom of information
- Information governance or compliance
- Records management
- Data protection
This event is supported by the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Office.