Freedom of Information 2024

1 January 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) coming into force. As we approach this landmark date, join Holyrood for its annual flagship FOI event, where we will reflect on the impact that FOI has had over this time.  

Following consultations on FOI reform in recent years, and a proposed Member’s Bill, the event will provide delegates with an update on the latest policy developments and an opportunity to discuss the changing environment in which FOI practitioners are working. 

By attending a series of keynote, panel and breakout sessions, delegates will get tips on how to overcome some of the common issues experienced by those involved in FOI and learn from colleagues demonstrating good practice in FOI. 

Who should attend? 

This event is relevant to people who work, or have an interest, in:

  • Freedom of information
  • Information governance or compliance
  • Records management
  • Data protection 

This event is supported by the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Office. 

Event Details

FOI reviews enable public bodies to take a fresh look at their FOI responses, providing a last chance to carefully consider the handling of a request before it can be appealed to the Commissioner. But how should public bodies approach FOI appeals? What can staff do to ensure that they make the most of this important opportunity, reducing the risk of a subsequent appeal?

Staff from public authorities and the Scottish Information Commissioner’s office will explore best practice in FOI reviews, sharing their own experiences and approaches to help identify opportunities for improvements in review practice.

Are you uncertain about where exactly the boundary lies between “challenging but legitimate” requests versus vexatious ones? Are you unsure whether your reliance on the vexatious provisions would stand up to scrutiny by the Scottish Information Commissioner? In this masterclass, delegates will get the chance to delve in detail into an SIC decision and decide whether or not they would find it vexatious.

Frank Rankin
Information Governance Trainer and Consultant
Tkm & Associates
James Nock
Head of DPO and FOI Services
Alicia Jones
Senior Information Officer
Rosemary Agnew
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
Margaret Keyse
Former Head of Enforcement
Scottish Information Commissioner's Office
Sarah Sibbald
Information Compliance Officer
Scottish Ambulance Service
Doreen Grove
Head of Open Government
Scottish Government
Rob Edwards
Co-Founder and Journalist
The Ferret
Rt Hon Lord Wallace of Tankerness KC
House of Lords
Jill McPherson
Head of FOI Unit
Scottish Government
David Hamilton
Scottish Information Commissioner
Carole Ewart
Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland
Lorraine Currie
Lorraine Currie
Anderson Strathern
Paul Mutch
Deputy Head of Policy and Information
Scottish Information Commissioner's Office
Nicola Rylatt Headshot
Nicola Rylatt
Glasgow City Council
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£245 + VAT

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£295 + VAT


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Event Details