Carmen Paputa-Dutu

Carmen Paputa-Dutu Headshot
Carmen leads the Digital Health and Care programme at the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland, with a focus on public and third sector engagement. Carmen joined the ALLIANCE in 2016 and since then has worked on several co-production and innovation focused projects, including ‘Our GP’, a project which undertook rapid engagement with over 1,000 citizens and professionals to develop ideas for new digital GP services. In her current role Carmen manages and contributes to national engagement projects, aiming to influence digital health and care policy and practice within Scotland. Current projects Carmen leads on include Discover Digital, an initiative to raise awareness of digital health and care solutions amongst members of the general public, and My World My Health, an engagement project to ascertain people’s attitudes and preferences in relation to the use of data on social determinant of health within health and social care.
Carmen Paputa-Dutu
Digital Health and Care National Lead