Councillor Gail Macgregor the COSLA Spokesperson for Environment and Economy
Gail Macgregor has served as a Councillor, serving the Annandale North Ward in Dumfries and Galloway since 2007. She previously served as COSLA’s Resource Spokesperson before being appointed to the role of Environment and Economy Spokesperson at COSLA’s Convention in June 2022.
Gail spent her early career as a Senior Coach in the equestrian field in the UK and US, teaching all disciplines but specialising in Riding for the Disabled. She was instrumental in the creation of a scheme to assist in the rehabilitation of young offenders and later worked in Support for Learning. In 2007 she was first elected as a Conservative Councillor in Dumfries and Galloway. Gail has held the positions of Vice-Convenor and Convenor of the Education Committee, Secretary to the Conservative Council Group and Business Manager to the Council Administration Group and is currently Leader of the Conservative Group on Dumfries & Galloway Council. A Trustee of Lockerbie Trust, Lockerbie and Syracuse University Scholarship Trust, Dumfriesshire Educational Trust, D&G Champions Board (LAC) and D&G Childcare Partnership. From 2015-2018 she worked as a Researcher and Senior Caseworker in the office of the Rt Hon David Mundell MP. In June 2017 she was appointed as COSLA Spokesperson – Resources (Finance, Employers and Digital). Serving as Chair of the Scottish Joint Council for Local Government Employees and Joint Chair – Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers, where she lead on pay negotiations for Scottish Local Government and budget lead in negotiations with the Scottish Government on behalf of 32 Scottish councils. Gail was also Co-Spokesperson on Employment Matters for The Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Chair of Digital Partnership Board, Co-Chair of Joint Digital Strategy Leadership Board and Director of The Local Authorities’ Mutual Investment Trust. In June 2022 Gail was appointed as the COSLA Environment and Economy Spokesperson. Gail lives and farms near Lockerbie with her Husband, Andrew, they have three grown up children. Gail loves nothing more than time spent with family and her cocker spaniel Bailey.