Dr Mark Bustard

Mark took over as CEO in February 2020, having previously been IBioIC’s Commercial Director. He leads IBioIC’s strategy in identifying and securing opportunities to engage, collaborate with and support large corporates, SMEs, academia and Government to accelerate and de-risk commercialisation, and to bring new biotechnology processes and products to the global market. Mark joined IBioIC from CPI where he was Business Development Director for the National Biologics Manufacturing Centre in Darlington, a £38M facility for the rapid development, scale-up and characterisation of complex biologic therapeutics, vaccines and viral vectors. Prior to this he was the Medicines Manufacturing Specialist at the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), Technical Director for Medicines at the previous HealthTech and Medicines KTN and worked for seven years developing the growth of bioprocessing across the UK as part of bioProcessUK. In these roles he assisted companies build collaborations, raised awareness of funding opportunities and made academic links as appropriate for their business needs. During this time Mark has also been a steering group member for the Medicines Manufacturing Industry Partnership and has recently led the secretariat function for the Advanced Therapies Manufacturing Taskforce. Prior to joining KTN, he held senior positions in academia being the Director of Research for Chemical Engineering and Lecturer in Bioprocessing at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Mark has also worked in biomanufacturing, development and consultancy with Biopharm Services and in delivering projects across Biopharmaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals, Industrial Biotechnology and Food and Drink sectors.

Dr Mark Bustard
  • Organisation
    Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre