Dr h.c.mult. Walter R. Stahel founder-director of the Product-Life Institute (Geneva, 1983 – ), the oldest consultancy in Europe devoted to developing sustainable strategies and policies. MA in architecture from ETH Zurich (1971). Visiting Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey (2005 – ); Full Member of the Club of Rome (2015 – ); member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Institute CRETUS at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; of CRESTING http://cresting.hull.ac.uk/; member of the Coordination Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform till 2020. Senior Research Fellow at the Circular Economy Research Centre of the École des Ponts Business School and of the Circular Economy Alliance (2019- ). Present activity: Promoting the opportunities of a circular industrial economy, and of a performance economy selling goods and molecules as a service. Past activity: 1986 to 2014, Director of Research on Risk Management of the Geneva Association www.genevaassociation.org. Honours: 2020 Thornton Medal of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). Degrees of Doctor honoris causa, University of Surrey (2013) and l’Université de Montréal (2016). Mitchell Prize in Houston, TX (1982, ‘The Product-Life Factor’); first prize in the German Future’s Society’s competition (1978, ‘unemployment, occupation and profession’). Corner books: ‘Jobs for Tomorrow, the Potential for substituting manpower for energy’ (1976/1981), Vantage Press N.Y.,: ‘The Performance Economy’ (2010), Palgrave MacMillan; The Circular Economy – a user’s guide (2019), Routledge. Contact: wrstahel2014@gmail.com