Sheena Fontana

Sheena is Public Health specialist with 38 years’ experience across the public sector, and is currently employed by the Scottish Older People’s Assembly leading the development of Age-friendly Communities across Scotland.

She has worked in the NHS, Local Authority, Health and Social Care Partnerships, and in partnership with third sector organisations, at local and regional levels. The focus of her work is mental health and older people and she has fulfilled a number of roles including: Mental Health Development Manager, Senior Health Promotion Specialist Mental Health and Older People, Programme Lead for Lothian Alliance Against Depression.

She is passionate about a public health and inequalities approach to developing and supporting the needs of communities. She is committed to working and coproducing with people with lived and living experience and focusing on the strengths and assets within communities to create change. Working with older people has been a golden thread throughtout her career and the development of Age-friendly Communities ties all those elements together to contribute to making spaces and places in Scotland a good place to grow older.

Sheena Fontana
Age-Friendly Communities Development Worker
  • Organisation
    Scottish Older People's Assembly