Building Scotland’s 20 Minute Neighbourhoods

The Scottish Government’s recently announced budget commits to an initial investment of £55m within 2021/2022 to support the development of place-based initiatives. The 20 Minute Neighbourhood was the most prominent of these initiatives. The 20 Minute Neighbourhood is a concept in which people can meet all their daily needs within a 20-minute walk from their home, incorporating solutions to a range of problems such as the climate emergency, health inequality and the decline of town centres. It has gained significant traction throughout the course of COVID-19 pandemic, inspiring cities across the globe to reform their approach to city planning.

What does the 20 Minute Neighbourhood mean for Scotland? How does it differ from previous place-based initiatives? What must be done to ensure that change is delivered?

Join Holyrood as we answer these questions, drawing on expertise from across the globe.

Event Details
Marianne Weinreich
Market Manager - Global Smart Mobility
Stefanie O’Gorman
Stefanie O'Gorman
Director of Economics - Cities and Regeneration
Ramboll UK
Diarmaid Lawlor
Associate Director - Place
Scottish Futures Trust
Robbie Calvert
Policy and Practice Officer
RTPI Scotland
Daisy Narayanan
Head of Placemaking and Mobility
City of Edinburgh Council
Irene Beautyman
Place and Wellbeing Partnership Lead
Public Health Scotland and the Improvement Service
Prof. Carolyn Whitzman
Adjunt Professor
University of Ottowa
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Annual income of less than £1m

£72.50 + VAT

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Public sector/voluntary/charitable organisations

Annual income over £1m

£122.50 + VAT

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Commercial organisations e.g. plc, Ltd, LLP

£147.50 + VAT

    Event Details