All event bookings are made online via the booking links on each event page. Head to the events tab to the top of the page to find your chosen event.
For paid events you can find the relevant links under the ‘Rates’ tab or for free events there is a button on the right-hand side of the page.
Our preferred payment method is credit/debit card. You can pay for events via credit/debit card at the end of the registration process. At this stage, payment by invoice is also an option. A PO will need to be raised for this method.
When raising a PO please use the following information:
Holyrood Communications Ltd.
11th Floor
The Shard
32 London Bridge Street
London SE1 9SG
Please email all remittances & purchase orders to: accounts@holyrood.com
The agenda and timings can be find on each event page on the 'Agenda' tab under the event description.
Complimentary places may be available on a case by case basis as we want our events and the discussions at events to be as inclusive and representative of Scottish society as possible.
Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us via the Contact form or by phoning 0131 285 1635 or 0131 285 1695.
Delegates may transfer their booking to another event by giving notice of their intention to do so at least 30 days prior to the date of the event. The delegate may be subject to a fee in order to cover the administrative costs of transferring their place to another event.
If a delegate cannot attend an event, a substitute nominated by the delegate may attend subject to Holyrood’s prior approval. Delegates must notify eventsadmin@holyrood.com as soon as reasonably practicable of any request to change the delegate booking. Find out more in our events Terms & Conditions.
Cancellations must be made 30 days prior to the event. If cancellation is made within the 30 days prior, you will be entitled to a 50% refund. Find out more in our events Terms & Conditions.
Joining instructions for online events will be sent to you the day prior to the event. Please check your junk mail. If you do not receive joining instructions please contact holyroodevents@holyrood.com with event name and proof of booking.
Recordings of paid events are currently only available to attendees but free events are available to view on-demand at our On-Demand Section.
Under current government guidelines we are unable to host live events. We are liaising closely with the Scottish Government and the Scottish Events Industry Advisory Group (EIAG) to ensure that we have the latest guidance and advice. In person events will return from January 2022 with many of our events remaining online or as hybrid (in person and online).
Online will now form part of our permanent events offering but safety permitting, we believe that there will always be a role for in-person events that convene people to discuss topical issues.
Delegate safety is our number one priority when considering a return to live events. Our thinking and approach will be led by our delegates feedback as well as the current public health guidance and published research.
You can find out more about the measures we’re planning to implement (this is continually evolving) on our COVID-19 Response page.
Dietary and access requirements can be added to the comments box when completing the booking form.
If you are interested in speaking at a specific event, you can find contact details for the event producer by clicking on their name under ‘Organiser’ at each event page. You can register general interest or propose a topic by completing the form on our Get involved section.
Speaker fees are agreed on a case-by-case basis and are only applicable to those who are self-employed or freelancers.
Reasonable events expenses may be claimed on a case-by-case basis. Speakers are responsible for researching cost options and booking travel and accommodation after advance approval by Holyrood.
Thousands of delegates from across Scotland’s public sector – as well as those from the private and third sectors – attend Holyrood Events every year. Aligning with a Holyrood event or event brand gives sponsors an unrivalled opportunity to reach key audiences, increase your brand awareness and participate in sector thought leadership. You can find out more on our Sponsor an event section .
Sponsors can input to the themes, speakers, and the agenda (depending on the level of sponsorship) but Holyrood retains complete control of content development and all editorial rights to ensure that our events are engaging, balanced and apolitical.

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