Scotland’s Digital Potential: Innovation Through 5G

Scotland’s relationship with technology has shifted radically in the past 12 months. Digital solutions now underpin the way we work, learn, shop, and socialise. However, the changes to our digital lives made during lockdown are only the tip of the iceberg.  It’s anticipated that Scotland’s digital potential will continue to grow and will transform the lives of people across Scotland even further.

As we become more digital, it ‘s important that everyone in Scotland has access. The Government recognised this in its recently refreshed digital strategy, and has made a commitment to 5G technology.

Within the strategy, the Government aims to cut across boundaries. This includes creating fully digital public services, supporting connectivity for all people and businesses. This will ensure that ‘no one is left behind’, as technology becomes ever more crucial to our daily lives. If it becomes successful, the strategy will establish Scotland as a world leader in delivering digital innovation that benefits all of society.

It is likely that 5G will be the key technology underpinning Scotland’s to create a fully inclusive digital society

In 2020, £4million in Government-backed funding was committed to developing a nationwide network of 5G hubs. These aim to support the development of next-generation connectivity within Scotland.

The first of these, the Forth Valley Hub builds on a partnership between Scotland’s International Environment Centre and BT. This new nationwide network of hubs could boost GDR in Scotland by over £17billion by 2035 (Deloitte, 2019), increase connectivity and help Scotland achieve its plans to attain net-zero emissions.

Scotland’s Digital Potential: Innovation Through 5G

BT’s mission is to build an unrivalled digital infrastructure across the country. As a result of this commitment, BT partnered with Holyrood for ‘Scotland’s Digital Potential: Innovation Through 5G‘.

Join Holyrood and BT for our digital briefing. Firstly, we looked at the early examples of 5G enabled innovation across Scotland. Then we examined the potential role of 5G can play in realising Scotland’s digital strategy.

Holyrood Connect

Holyrood Connect publish leading Public Sector ICT news in Scotland and host renowned Public Sector Tech events & conferences. You can view all of Holyrood Connect’s upcoming events here.

Event Details
Des Murray
North Lanarkshire Council
Prof. Andrew Tyler
University of Stirling
Ashleigh Timmins
Paul Coffey
Scotland 5G Centre
Alan Lees
Simon Haston
Jenni Davidson
Holyrood Magazine

    Event Details