In the run up to the parliamentary election, Holyrood’s Scottish Environment Hustings featured contributions from representatives working across the Scottish political spectrum.
Scotland has become a global leader in tackling climate change. Not only are we pioneers in just transition and waste management policy, we have set some of the world’s most ambitious international targets for net-zero emissions and air quality.
As we implement a Green Recovery from the pandemic, the next five years will be defined by how we build on the progress that’s already been made in transitioning to a more resilient, low-carbon society.
Scottish Environment Hustings explored party priorities. Candidates discussed how we can maximise our competitive advantages in clean energy and natural capital; implement a just transition and deliver the good, green and secure jobs which will be the backbone of it.
Event Chair: Jenni Davidson, Journalist, Holyrood Magazine
Holyrood’s Scottish Election Hustings
Hustings are non-partisan events that bring electoral candidates together before an election. We don’t often get the opportunity to directly address our political representatives. These hustings provided an opportunity to raise the issues that matter to you on the subjects covered, at a crucial time for every political party.
Holyrood’s Hustings were an opportunity to hear candidates from Scotland’s main political parties discuss the challenges ahead and outline their party priorities. As well as our Scottish Environment Hustings, Holyrood is also hosted hustings in Health, Finance and Education.