The 2020 Scottish Public Service Awards celebrated the super human efforts that have seen communities coming together to help each other in a spirit of solidarity, cooperation and kindness.
The Holyrood Garden Party and Political Awards is an unmissable fixture in the Scottish political calendar. This year, as Scotland rebuilds, the event is an opportunity to bring back some joy into all our lives.
The Scottish Public Service Awards offer the opportunity to celebrate outstanding achievements within Scotland’s civic landscape and give welcome recognition to the work that goes on.
The Holyrood Garden Party and Political Awards is an unmissable fixture in the Scottish political calendar. This year, as Scotland rebuilds, the event is an opportunity to bring back some joy into all our lives.
Following the success of the inaugural Green Giant Awards last year, this November Holyrood Events will once again be celebrating the best within Scotland's climate change movement.
Holyrood is delighted to play a part in showcasing some of the innovative and thought-provoking work being done over the length and breadth of Scotland.
The Scotland Excel Supplier Excellence Awards recognise the innovation and excellence of suppliers and providers who go the extra mile to deliver tangible benefits to members of Scotland Excel and support the delivery of key public services.
The Holyrood Garden Party and Political Awards is the unmissable fixture in the Scottish political calendar for politicians, their staff, political journalists, the business community, and the public affairs sector, and is a fun opportunity to remind ourselves that cross-party relations aren’t always that cross!
Holyrood's rebranded Climate Action Awards will celebrate the best within Scotland's climate change movement this November.
Holyrood is delighted to play a part in showcasing some of the innovative and thought-provoking work being done over the length and breadth of Scotland.