Annabel Turner

Before founding Cybersafe Scotland, Annabel practised as a barrister for 10 years in cases involving child sexual abuse and children’s rights. She went on to work with the International Justice Mission on their “Not on My Screen Campaign” to end Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse – advising on legislative reform.

Cybersafe Scotland is a not-for-profit organisation which provides services aimed at reducing online abuse, harassment and exploitation and support around digital safety for vulnerable children. In partnership with Aberdeen City Council and Delivering Equally Safe, they have developed the Respected and Safe Online model, which combines targeted and universal support for children and young people aged 10 – 12 to reduce online abuse.

Annabel chairs the multi-agency Child Exploitation Group for Aberdeen Child Protection Committee and has developed local guidance to respond to CSE and CCE. She is a member of the international Tech Legality Community of Practice focussed on applying a rights based approach to the digital space.

Annabel Turner
  • Organisation
    CyberSafe Scotland