Benjamin Welby’s work on digital government and data for the OECD has included country reviews of Panama, Slovenia and Chile and thematic work on data in the public sector, digital identity, service design and delivery, digital skills and the impact of digital government on citizen well-being. He’s also contributed to the development of the conceptual framework underpinning the OECD’s Digital Government Index, the first pilot results of which will launch in late 2020.
Benjamin started his career in UK local government before moving to central government and spending 6 years with the Government Digital Service. During his time at GDS he was part of the team that launched GOV.UK and went on to have product management responsibility for GOV.UK’s first general election, the Performance Platform, Government as a Platform and the Digital Marketplace. He also sat on the Spend Controls Approval Board and acted as a Lead Assessor for Service Standard Assessments.