Clare has worked in community led health improvement for over 16 years, in various roles, both in statutory and voluntary organisations across Scotland. She is passionate about the social model of health and reducing health inequalities and this has been the basis of all her roles.
She has led on several successful initiatives/projects over the years and for the almost 4 years, she has led on SPRING Social Prescribing in Scotland and recently taken up the Project Manager role (which covers Scotland and Northern Ireland). SPRING is a national partnership between Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW) and the Healthy Living Centre Alliance (HLCA) with lead partner Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum. Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, SPRING Social Prescribers support people to improve their health and wellbeing and connecting them to their community.
In 2020, Clare also established, implemented and lead on the Scottish Social Prescribing Network (SSPN). The aim of SSPN is to develop the strategic direction of social prescribing which includes to share learning, information, good practice and lessons across different initiatives in Scotland.
Clare is also volunteer Board Director for an older people’s day care centre called Answer House in my home town.