Dr. Joy Tomlinson

Joy is the Director of Public Health with NHS Fife and took up her role in May 2021. She has worked as a Consultant in Public Health in Scotland since 2009. Joy is co-chair of the Place and Wellbeing collaborative, a multi-disciplinary group which enabled the development of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes. Following retirement of Sir Lewis Ritchie, Joy took on the role of chair of the Scottish Health Protection Network Oversight Group in February 2023. Within Fife, Joy provides strategic input to support Fife Partnership (Community Planning Partnership). ‘Team Public Health’ in Fife includes all of those who contribute to improving population health. We have shared ambitions based on the Public Health Priorities for Scotland and are committed to strengthening the wider determinants of health locally.

Dr. Joy Tomlinson
Director of Public Health
  • Organisation
    NHS Fife