Dr Lynne Douglas joined Bield Housing & Care as Chief Executive in November 2019. This followed over twenty years as a senior NHS Director working in services across the age spectrum.
Lynne completed her Doctorate in 2017 looking at ‘Organisational Readiness for Transformational Change across Health, Local Authorities and Third Sector Organisations The move to Bield Housing & Care resonated strongly with Lynne’s interest in Public Sector Reform. Also the need to further create connectivity between Housing and Health & Care in Scotland to help improve outcomes for local communities. Passionate about a whole systems approach to modernise and connect public services and engaging the population in how to live longer healthier lives through utilizing all of the assets around them. Lynne is also a Non-Executive Director on both TSA which champions the use of technology and digital solutions in improving outcomes for users and CCPS which is a prominent TSO working to safeguard, promote and represent the interests of not-for-profit care and support providers in Scotland.
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