Gloria is principal and owner of OiSA Designs, with over 20 years of experience in Conservation and Sustainable architecture. In line with her passion to be a good temporary custodian of both the built heritage and the planet, she delivers sustainable projects and gives clients solid, knowledge-based, environmentally sound specifications and solutions, with expertise in solar energy and daylight. She believes that health and well-being, ergonomics, and holistic approach to buildings, is not only part of ‘life-time homes’ ethos but as planned resilience in climate emergency. Currently undertaking PhD research in hygroscopic building materials and its use in relation to indoor humidity at Strathclyde University. She lectures at the University of Edinburgh (ESALA) and is a visiting tutor and lecturer at other Universities on climate literacy, technical skills, and material specification. Course writer and tutor of Understanding Building Physics Fundamentals course for AECB. Examiner for APEAS Part 3 architects’ qualification. Various qualifications include Certified Passivhaus Designer, BREEAM Accredited Professional and Domestic Refurbishment. Current Chair of Scottish Ecological Design Association (SEDA), volunteers with RIAS Education committee and Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN).
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