Jackie qualified in Scotland before starting her career in London, moving back to Scotland in 1991.
Jackie was recently appointed to the Chief Executive position for the Care Inspectorate and started on 19 September 2022. Prior to this Jackie was a Chief Social Work Officer (CSWO) for over 10 years and comes to the Care Inspectorate from her current post as Service Director, Children and Families and Justice Services within the City of Edinburgh Council.
Jackie has over 30 years’ experience of working in the public sector and has also manage community health services for children.
As CSWO Jackie had overall governance responsibility for the quality and provision of social work services both within the Council structure and within a fully integrated Health and Social Care Partnership as well as an adult’s only partnership. In these roles she has provided professional advice as it relates to the provision of social work services and has had a lead role in Children’s Services Planning.
Jackie’s previous positions were predominantly in Children’s Services but not exclusively, as she has had strategic and management responsibility for community justice, community-based health services, hospital based social work, homelessness and refugee and migration services. Jackie spent two years as an inspector in HMIE in the Child Protection team and was an advisor for the Scottish Executive on a part time bases for four years. Jackie also has extensive experience working in key strategic planning and performance roles.
Jackie was appointed at the Vice President of Social Work Scotland (SWS) in 2017 and then as President in 2018 and has served on the Social Work Scotland Board.