Thirty years public sector experience combined with a CIPFA Fellowship have enabled Katrina to develop an excellent understanding of the strategic challenges facing local government. Her current role has responsibility for driving forward delivery of the modern, digitised services and solutions considered essential for the council to achieve its ambition of inclusive growth and prosperity for all. Katrina developed a keen interest for the public sector whilst studying for her Accountancy degree. Her career started in Local Government Finance, and then took various twists and turns, with Katrina delivering against a range of roles including systems development, treasury management, project management, change management and relationship management. Katrina is committed to best value public sector delivery, and works hard to maintain effective partnerships, good employee relations, and a flexible workforce, as all are essential to delivering on North Lanarkshire Council’s exciting transformation programme and ambition. Katrina has Company Director experience, is a member of the Council’s Corporate Management Team, Chair of various strategic groups including Data Governance Board and Enterprise Architecture Governance Group, and has previously held advisory roles on various professional forums.
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