Dr Kenneth Meechan is Head of Information and Data Protection Officer for Glasgow City Council. He led the council’s major GDPR implementation programme and, since April 2018, is statutory DPO for the council and its arms’ length external organisations. Dr Meechan is a qualified Scottish solicitor and an acknowledged expert in data protection and FOI. He is convenor of the Law Society of Scotland’s accreditation panel for data protection and FOI and a member of the Society’s privacy law committee, and also chairs the Data Protection and FOI working group of SOLAR (Society of Local Authority Lawyers and Administrators in Scotland). He is a regular conference speaker and is often asked to join specialist working groups on areas such as public records legislation, incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the development of a Scottish data ethics framework. More recently he has been heavily involved in coordinating the local government response to Covid-19 from an information governance perspective, covering areas like data sharing for the Shielding group and management of the prisoner early release programme.
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