Michael McLaughlin – Now Digital Lead, Michael joined HACT in January 2020, having previously accrued 16 years’ experience in various social housing roles, much of which has involved developing and managing Digital strategy and policy, latterly as Digital Connector for Clydebank Housing Association. Michael graduated with an MA in Social Sciences from Glasgow University in 2003, and in 2020 completed Diploma in Digital Inclusion Project Management. Previous work secondments have seen Michael manage Scottish Government funded Digital Inclusion Project to great success, significantly increasing engagement, services and digital access in area of multiple deprivation. This involved gathering and evaluating data on participants involvement in community services, and a wider assessment of the impact in terms of wellbeing outcomes and future digital connectivity. Having previously worked alongside Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), and Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum (GWSF) Michael has also been involved in establishing a Digital Champions Network, and Data Governance model documents and guidance notes for the Scottish housing sector. Focusing recent work on demonstrating the impact of social housing organisations in Scotland in partnership with SFHA; the importance of ensuring as a sector we are basing measurement on, and increasing the quality and capabilities around data and digital will remain key as the sector strives to improve outcomes for communities and tenants across the country.
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