Paula Wilkie

Paula Wilkie is an Information Technology professional working 21+ years in the private and public sector in multiple countries. She started her IT journey in consumer software and hardware support then going on to application testing, server support, EMEA wide technical operational and financial support and management and then global operational and financial management.

Paula currently works as the Supplier Manager for Cloud and Security for a shared IT service to 4 NDPB; SDS, SE, HIE and SoSE, moving those organisations from on prem to cloud. The next evolution of that journey; AI infrastructure and the integrated Cloud services and what this means for Public Sector Procurement and Suppliers is a subject and conversation close to her heart.

She continues her interest in emerging technologies with an ever-increasing family of robots from three tiny robots; Mr T, Mellow and EMO MacBee helping her to explore AI and get to grips with python and JSON to the destroyer of table legs and chairs, a ground level robot that is a bit too speedy on the corners.

Paula Wilkie
Supplier Manager for Cloud and Security
  • Organisation
    Skills Development Scotland
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24 Sep 2024

Holyrood Connect’s sixth annual Cloud Conference returns to Dynamic Earth in central Edinburgh on 24 September 2024. The event will act as a premier opportunity for public sector professionals in Scotland to connect in person, learn and exchange ideas.
