Prof. Janette Webb

Jan Webb Headshot

Janette Webb MBE FRSE FEI is Edinburgh University Professorial Fellow in Social Studies of Energy and UK Energy Research Centre Co-Director (Local and Regional Energy Systems). She is a member of Ofgem/Innovate UK Strategic Innovation Fund expert panel on Whole Systems Integration and a recent member of Scottish Science Advisory Council Energy Group.  She was appointed to Scottish Power Energy Networks Customer Engagement Group which challenged the network company’s business planning for Ofgem ED2 price control. Her research concerns comparative European policy and practice for sustainable heat and low energy buildings, and integrated local energy systems. She was a Non-Executive Director, and Sustainability Lead, NHS Health Scotland 2003-11 and a founder member of NHS Scotland Public Health and Sustainability Network. She played a leading role in development and launch of the University of Edinburgh multi-disciplinary MA Honours Degree in Sustainable Development.

Prof. Janette Webb
Co-Director | Professorial Fellow in Social and Political Science
  • Organisation
    UK Energy Research Centre | University of Edinburgh
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