As a system, the circular economy is to ‘design waste out of the system’ and create a society where nothing is wasted and we can preserve our finite resources. It would create jobs within our communities, improve quality of life and help our economic recovery from the pandemic. To gain these benefits and reach our ambitious climate targets we must prepare for the future of the circular economy.
The Scottish Government’s recent update to the Climate Change Plan outlined a “Positive Vision” for 2045, with a wholly circular economy based on responsible production and the principles of re-use, repair and recycle. A new route map was pledged for our transition to a circular economy post-2025, when the current strategy expires.
The Role of the Circular Economy in Scotland’s Recovery
In Scotland, consumption accounts for over two thirds of our carbon footprint. So we could not achieve our net-zero ambitions without tackling it. Working together globally, we would tackle both the root causes and effects of climate change.
Climate change also has a crucial role to play in “building back better” from the pandemic. As well as saving our finite resources, 8% of Scotland’s jobs already relate to the circular economy and we are in a strong position to build on this further.
The Future of The Circular Economy in Scotland Conference
This event examined what the circular economy could mean for Scotland, how sectors can work together better manage our resources, and discussed the strategic challenges and opportunities ahead. It illuminated what’s next for the circular economy and how we facilitate people to live more sustainable lives in Scotland.
We examined the effect pandemic has had on our production and consumption; how to embed circular principles in our Green Recovery and how we ensure that the waste and resources sector is able to fulfil its maximum contribution towards Scotland’s journey to net-zero.
This event is part of Holyrood’s Climate Emergency Series, held in the run to COP26. The series will engage key decision-makers and stakeholders in discussions about how Scotland can secure a net-zero through a more inclusive and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
Holyrood COP26 Fringe Festival
Holyrood’s COP26 Fringe events will take place over 4 days (Wed 3rd – Sat 6th November) in the centre of Glasgow, with each day exploring a different theme. The Festival is planned to take place in-person but there will also be hybrid events over the 4 days that can be joined online. Find out more about Holyrood’s COP26 Fringe Festival here.