Holyrood Connect Week 2021

In Association with Fortinet

The past 18 months have had a transformative effect on the public sector’s use of technology, as organisations have deployed a range of digital solutions to ensure the continued delivery of services to citizens throughout the pandemic.

From the rapid increase in video appointments via NHS Near Me, to the data-driven NHS Test and Protect scheme, digital services have quickly become a cornerstone of Scotland’s health and social care system.

Meanwhile the public sector has rapidly accelerated its adoption of cloud services to meet the demands of remote working as result of lockdown, leading to extra challenges for cyber security as criminals look to exploit new vulnerabilities.

The pandemic has also led to a shift in the relationship between state and citizen in relation to data, as organisations have retained new information to track the impact of the pandemic and delivery virtual services.

In the midst of all these changes the Scottish Government has released a raft of new strategies including laying out its digital vision, which seeks to build on the great strides forward taken throughout the pandemic and deliver a new wave of innovation.

In light of these vital issues, Holyrood Connect presented a week of online content examining these via a series of webinars.

This event is free to watch on demand now!

The pandemic has massively disrupted the ability of the public services to deliver services according to traditional timescales. From health to justice, Scotland’s public sector faces significant backlogs which will need to be cleared. In the opening session of Holyrood and Fortinet’s Connect Week, we will examine the role that digital technology and services can play in clearing these backlogs and helping Scotland’s public sector return to normal post-pandemic.

The webinar will feature short presentations from all panellists, followed by an engaging Q&A and panel discussion inspired by audience questions.

Our second session, will examine the transformative impact of the pandemic on the working practices of the public sector, and look ahead to how organisations can successfully shift to a model of hybrid working in the months and years ahead. 

The webinar will feature short presentations from all panellists, followed by an engaging Q&A and panel discussion inspired by audience questions.

The opening session of Day 2 will examine one of the key enablers of hybrid working and digitally enabled innovation – cloud services. We will examine how public sector organisations can effectively migrate from legacy systems to the cloud seamlessly and securely. 

The webinar will feature short presentations from all panellists, followed by an engaging Q&A and panel discussion inspired by audience questions.

The last 20 months have catapulted society into the digital sphere like nothing before. Digital solutions have become vital to how individuals go about their daily lives, from virtual learning to online health consultations. With the benefits of these innovations clear and apparent to all, the role of digital is not likely to change in the coming months as society finds a new normal. 

This major shift has shone a light on existing inequalities that leave many digitally excluded. Considering this, the Scottish Government has centred its most recent Digital Strategy around the importance of inclusion and the path towards bridging that digital divide.

The webinar will feature short presentations from all panellists, followed by an engaging Q&A and panel discussion inspired by audience questions.

One of the biggest security challenges facing the public sector is ransomware, as shown by the recent attack on SEPA. 

It is vital that organisations are able to respond effectively at the time of a ransomware attack, but equally important is the ability to recover services as quickly and smoothly as possible. 

The webinar will feature short presentations from all panellists, followed by an engaging Q&A and panel discussion inspired by audience questions

The recently released Scottish Government Digital Strategy emphasises collaboration and innovation as two key principles of Scotland as a digital innovation. 

To embody these principles, it is important that public sector organisations have fast, affordable, and secure digital connectivity. 

In this session we will look at how organisations across Scotland can access next generation connectivity to improve inter-agency collaboration and drive innovation. 

The webinar will feature short presentations from all panellists, followed by an engaging Q&A and panel discussion inspired by audience questions.

    Event Details
    • Event Hashtag


    • Start Date
      7 Dec 2021 10:30 am
    • End Date
      9 Dec 2021 3:00 pm
    • Status
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    • Category