Holyrood’s Health & Care Festival

Health Festival Image

The pandemic has shone a light on the cracks within our health and social care system. It has significantly increased the pressures facing health and care professionals, exacerbated existing health inequalities, and made us reflect on the care and protection offered to those in older age groups.       

As we continue to move through the various stages of the pandemic, the Scottish Government has outlined several steps that it will be taking to strengthen the health and care system and tackle the challenges it faces. This includes increased investment in frontline health services, a new Public Health Bill, and the establishment of a New National Care Service.    

Over three days in September, Holyrood’s first Health and Care Festival will focus in on key areas where improvements are urgently needed.  

Day 1: Primary Care

Day 1 will focus on primary care, with discussion expected on how we can improve ways of working; grow and support the workforce; and tackle both climate change and health inequalities.

Day 2: Public Health in partnership with BHF Scotland   

With 1 in 5 non-communicable disease deaths preventable in Scotland, we’ll be considering what action needs to be taken on health harming products, such as unhealthy food, tobacco and alcohol.  

Day 3: Older People’s Health and Wellbeing  

The Scottish Government plans to publish a new Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People later in the year. With this in mind, we will be looking at how we can support older people to age and live well; and access the right health and care services, in the right place, at the right time. 

Day 2 is aimed at people working in the public and third sectors. If you work in the private sector, please contact us directly.

*Prices are ex VAT

Event Details
Scott Brady
Health Care Without Harm
Graham Ellis
Prof. Graham Ellis
Scottish Government
Jonathan Roden
Jonathan Roden
British Heart Foundation Scotland
Katherine Smith
Prof. Katherine Smith
University of Strathclyde
Phillip McLean
Scottish Government
Judith Sixsmith
Prof. Judith Sixsmith
University of Dundee | Tayside Palliative and End of Life Managed Care Network
Christine McGregor
Scottish Government
Professor Paul Cairney
Prof. Paul Cairney
University of Stirling
David Blane
Dr David Blane
Scottish Deep End GP Project
Sara Conroy
Sara Conroy
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Clare Cable 2
Clare Cable
Dr Fiona Finlay
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Dr Iain Morrison
Dr Iain Morrison
BMA’s Scottish GP Committee | Lothian LMC
Dr Anurag Yadav
BAPIO Scotland | University of Edinburgh | Teviot Medical Practice, NHS Borders
Dr Lindsey Smith Taillie
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
David McColgan
British Heart Foundation Scotland
Cameron Marr
NHS Forth Valley
Heather Edwards
Care Inspectorate
Carolyn McDonald photo
Carolyn McDonald
Scottish Government
Andrea Jamieson
Andrea Jamieson
Scottish Government
Michelle Carruthers
Michelle Carruthers
Food Train
Eunan McKinney Headshot
Eunan McKinney
Alcohol Action Ireland
Sir Gregor Smith Headshot
Prof. Sir Gregor Smith
Scottish Government
Kara Connor
NHS Forth Valley
Prof. Shona Hilton
University of Glasgow
Prof. Richard Edwards
University of Otago
placeholder image
Dr Claire Steel
NHS Lanarkshire
Clare Cook
Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW)
Alison Leitch
Edinburgh Community Link Worker Network
Maree Todd Headshot
Maree Todd MSP
Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing, and Sport
Sheena Fontana
Scottish Older People's Assembly
Jillian Evans
NHS Grampian
Simon Fitzpatrick Headshot
Simon Fitzpatrick
Clare Morrison Headshot
Clare Morrison
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Donald Macaskill Headshot
Dr Donald Macaskill
Scottish Care
Humza Yousaf MSP
The Scottish Government
Adam Stachura Headshot
Adam Stachura
Age Scotland
Dr Chris Williams
Royal College of General Practitioners Scotland (RCGP Scotland)
Dr Sandesh Gulhane MSP
Scottish Conservatives
Lorraine Tulloch
Obesity Action Scotland
Alison Douglas
Alcohol Focus Scotland
Pennie Taylor
Sheila Duffy Headshot
Sheila Duffy
ASH Scotland
Richmond Davies Headshot
Dr Richmond Davies
Public Health Scotland
Irene Beautyman
Public Health Scotland and the Improvement Service

In March 2022 the Scottish Government published its National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care, setting out how it would support the recovery, transformation and growth of the workforce. Despite this, concerns remain around current - and future - staffing levels and working conditions.

In partnership with BMA Scotland, this session will look at how we can: make NHS Scotland an attractive place to work; retain existing staff, given the time it takes to train medical practitioners; and eradicate poor cultures and bullying across health boards.

Following the publication of NHS Scotland’s climate emergency and sustainability strategy, our panel will be discussing what it means for primary care, picking up on key themes such as realistic medicine; prescribing and waste reduction.

As many people’s first point of contact with the health system, primary care has a key role to play in tackling the health inequalities that Scotland faces. Our final panel will discuss the steps being taken to help address these inequalities and share their thoughts on what further action is needed.

Despite extensive efforts to tackle key public health challenges, Scotland has persistently high obesity rates and worrying levels of alcohol and tobacco consumption. In our opening session, we will reflect on the measures that have been taken so far to address these issues, including the smoking ban and minimum unit pricing; consider what has and hasn’t led to improvements, and where we are now. 

Ten of Scotland’s leading health charities have come together to call on the Scottish Government to take urgent action to reduce the impact of health-harming products such as alcohol and tobacco. Our event takes place during the Global Week of Action on NCDs, and we’ll be hearing from some of those charities about the additional measures they believe are needed to tackle these issues.

- New Zealand: Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 goal

- Ireland: Steps being taken to reduce alcohol consumption

- Chile: Measures to reduce the purchasing of unhealthy food and drink

In our final session of the day, we will be looking ahead and considering what our approach to public health could and should be over the next decade. What steps do we need to take to reduce non-communicable disease deaths dramatically? What should the policy landscape look like, and what roles can different stakeholders play?

Our opening session will explore how place can impact older people’s health and wellbeing and its role in reducing health inequalities. We’ll look at how we can create communities and services which truly support older people, tackling issues such as social isolation and loneliness.

By 2045, the number of people aged 65 and over is predicted to grow by 30%. In this session, discussion will focus on how we can support older people to live safely and independently in their own homes for as long as possible – covering everything from housing design to technological innovations.  

With the Scottish Government due to publish a new Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy in 2022, our closing panel will look at how we can: encourage healthy conversations around death, dying and bereavement; and improve access to, and delivery of, palliative and end of life care regardless of age, location or condition.

From £195
Reduced Rate


With annual income of less than £1m

£195 + VAT

£340 + VAT

£485 + VAT

From £245
Standard Rate

Public sector/voluntary/charitable

With annual income over £1m

£245 + VAT

£440 + VAT

£635 + VAT

From £295
Private Sector

Commercial e.g. plc, Ltd, LLP

£295 + VAT

£540 + VAT

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    Event Details