Meeting The Mental Health Needs of The Nation

Prior to COVID-19, demand for mental health treatment in Scotland was far greater than supply, with long waiting times all too common. Over the past year, services have been further disrupted as we have adjusted to a completely new and difficult way of living. From the restrictions that were placed on who we could see and what we could do, to job losses and bereavement, the pandemic has had an impact on the mental health and wellbeing of every single one of us.

With the negative effects of the pandemic likely to be felt for years to come, it is vital that we prepare now for the expected increase in demand for services. As we approach one year since the beginning of the first national lockdown, and the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary elections, Holyrood’s Meeting The Mental Health Needs of The Nation event provides the ideal opportunity to share examples of the work that has already started and consider what more needs to be done.

Sessions will look at the needs of specific groups who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, as well as wider population mental health; distress interventions and suicide prevention; and the recovery and renewal of mental health services, which faced many challenges before we were faced with those linked to COVID-19. 

Event Details
Georgina Charlton
Development Officer
Dr Bhautesh Jani
GP and Clinical Senior Lecturer in General Practice
John Street Surgery and University of Glasgow
Dr Jane Morris
Vice Chair Elect Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland
Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland
Andrew Gumley
Professor of Psychological Therapy
University of Glasgow
Shabir Banday, MPH, DLSHTM, MBA, MHRM
REACH Community Health Project
Fran Kirkwood
Thrive Edinburgh
Cat Young
Assistant Strategic Programme Manager (Mental Health and Wellbeing)
Thrive Edinburgh
Lauren Kennedy
Lead Nurse for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
NHS 24
Acting Chief Inspector Elaine Tomlinson
Police Scotland
Lee Knifton
Director for Scotland and Northern Ireland
Mental Health Foundation
Dr Alastair Cook
Principal Medical Officer
Scottish Government
Alastair joined Scottish Government as PMO in July 2020. Prior to this he was Medical Director in health and Social Care North Lanarkshire. Alastair chaired the Royal College of Psychiatrists from 2013-2017 and also chaired the Scottish Mental Health Partnership.
Kevin O’Neill
Distress Brief Intervention Programme
Rose Fitzpatrick CBE QPM
National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group
Throughout her 30 year policing career Rose was passionate about working with diverse communities of geography, characteristic and choice and with other committed partners, to keep people safe. She supported those she worked with - particularly women - to develop their professional potential, and encouraged people of all ages to consider careers in policing.
Prof. Andrew Gumley
NRS Mental Health Research Network
Wendy Halliday
See Me Scotland
Rachel Cackett
Executive Director
Samaritans Scotland
Rachel joined Samaritans as Executive Director for Scotland in January 2020 and leads the organisations’ influencing on self-harm, suicide prevention and distress in Scotland.
Jim Hume
National Rural Mental Health Forum
Reduced Rate

Voluntary/charitable organisations

Annual income of less than £1m

£72.50 + VAT

Standard Rate

Public sector/voluntary/charitable organisations

Annual income over £1m

£122.50 + VAT

Private Sector Rate

Commercial organisations e.g. plc, Ltd, LLP

£147.50 + VAT

    Event Details