The last two years have thrown organisations head-first into the digital realm, with core sectors such as healthcare and education now incorporating digital technologies into how they deliver their services. The Scottish Government’s new digital strategy, A Changing Nation: How Scotland Will Thrive in a Digital World, published last March, is built on the core principles of collaboration, data use, skills development, citizen trust, and innovative technology. All of these components work as one towards creating a digitally-adept Scotland. This transformation of organisations across sectors requires forward-thinking approaches around these topics.
Holyrood Connect’s 8th annual flagship digital transformation event for the Scottish public sector returned for another year. The event provided delegates with the opportunity to engage with thought leaders and experts and keep abreast of the latest developments around digital transformation, ensuring that their organisations continue to thrive. Digital Transformation in the Public Sector returned on 7th June, in-person at Dynamic Earth in central Edinburgh.
Delegates heard from public sector thought leaders and industry experts on a range of topics around the digital landscape and the ongoing transformation process. Sessions of a variety of formats delved into important elements of transformation such as:
• The importance of digital infrastructure, including connectivity, interoperability, and secure platforms.
• The world of smart-working and the new aspects born from it that organisations must contend with.
• Other elements of digitisation strategy like open data, innovative technology, and sustainability.
Transforming entire organisations to thrive within this digital world takes more than ICT-focused groups. Organisations will only achieve success if all employees know how their team can support digital transformation. Sessions at Digital Transformation in the Public Sector allowed a broad range of delegates to engage in the topics at hand—from ICT to HR, business change, and finance teams.