
Cyber Security Featured Image
Holyrood Connect's 3rd Annual Cyber Security NI conference in 2021 edition examined how the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a shift in cyber security threats, and offered the latest thinking on how your organisation can protect itself.
16 Jun 2021
Digital solutions now underpin the way we work, learn, shop, and socialise. Examine 5G enabled innovation and the role it can play in realising Scotland’s digital strategy.
Brand Image: Managing the Clinical Backlog With Tech
Holyrood's webinar in partnership with InterSystems looked to the role digital solutions can play in supporting recovery within Scotland’s health & social care sector.
Public Sector Smart Working Image
25 Aug 2021
Smarter ways of working have revolutionised the way we use digital tech. How can we embed this new way of working within the public sector and enhance productivity? Watch on demand to find out.
Vocera Webinar
Join Holyrood and Vocera for this free to attend webinar as we look to what can be done in the short term to kickstart digital transformation across Scotland’s hospital estate.
Cloud Services in the Public Sector branding - hand holds cloud symbol
15 Sep 2021
65% of Scotland's public sector organisations accelerated their use of the cloud during the pandemic. How do we build on this and unlock the transformational elements of cloud services?
North Lanarkshire Council is well on its way to realising its digital vision for 2024/25 – one where council services are more efficient and designed to be digital first.
Data Protection Image
Free to attend
Public Sector Data Protection will examine how we can maintain the positive progress on data sharing developed in the last year + the impact of Schrems II & Brexit
Digital Inclusion Image
19 Oct 2021
Join Holyrood Events as we examine the Scottish Government’s proposals and discuss what else we can learn from grassroots initiatives in Scotland and further afield when it comes to ending digital exclusion. 
Holyrood Connect presented a week of online content examining a variety of issues via a series of webinars.
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