Public Sector Smart Working: Digital Transformation and Enhancing Productivity

The pandemic challenged the public sector to adapt to smarter working and revolutionised the way we work.  This transformed our use of digital technology and enhanced productivity, opening up many new opportunities – and challenges.  With pressures now beginning to ease, we can turn focus to long-term transformation and meeting the challenges of the future.

In light of these developments Holyrood Connect is delighted to present the 2021 edition of our highly successful Public Sector Smart Working series. 

The conference examined how organisations can leverage digital transformation to embed smarter working, through a range of online content including keynote speeches, panel discussions and product demonstrations. 

With a keynote address from:
Richard Lochhead, MSP Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work, The Scottish Government

Holyrood Connect 

Holyrood Connect publish leading Public Sector ICT news in Scotland and host renowned Public Sector Tech events & conferences. You can view all of Holyrood Connect’s upcoming events here.

This event is CPD certified in principle
Event Details
Claire Dutton
David Lee
Jane Macdonald
Jane Macdonald
Alexander Holt Headshot
Alexander Holt
Jonathon Curry
The Scottish Government
Richard Lochhead MSP
Scottish Government
Martyn Wallace Headshot
Martyn Wallace
Digital Office - Scottish Local Government
Ann Kempster Headshot
Ann Kempster
Centre for Digital Public Services Wales
Andy Ross
Dundee and Angus College
Billy Grace
Dundee and Angus College
Abi Mawhirt
Dundee and Angus College
Colin Campbell Headshot
Colin Campbell
Nectis Ltd
Matthew Eastwood Headshot
Matthew Eastwood
Transport Scotland
Dr Bernadette Milligan
Audit Scotland
Ruchir Shah
Scottish Wildlife Trust

In this pre-conference networking session, delegates will be able to introduce themselves to fellow attendees, explain their role and discuss their learning objectives for the conference.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a hugely disruptive impact on traditional models of working within the public sector. Digital solutions have been used to bridge the gap, often to great success.

The Scottish Government’s recently published Digital Strategy looks to build on these foundations and reimagine how the public sector can work and deliver services by harnessing a variety of GovTech solutions.

In this session we will examine the Scottish Government’s vision for GovTech solutions.

The organisations which have proactively supported a smart working agenda are those which are more likely to thrive in a post-pandemic world of work.

To do this though, you need to secure the buy-in of your staff, by ensuring that they are involved in the design process of transformation from the outset.

This session will look at how organisations can adopt a holistic, smarter working culture by placing user experience at the heart of the design process for transformation.

During our lunch break delegates will be able to set up individual meetings with sponsors and fellow attendees to build new working relationships.

In our interactive discussion session, our attendees will be able to have their say on the issues that matter to them most and exchange ideas and best practice with colleagues from across Scotland. The topic of discussion will be decided by a poll at the beginning of the conference.

In our final session we will draw together the threads of the previous sessions with an in-depth real-life case study from Dundee & Angus College who will demonstrate how various departments worked together to create a resilient, innovative, smart working environment.

In this pre-conference networking session, delegates will be able to arrange 1-1 meetings with other attendees to discuss lessons from Day 1 of the conference, as well as what they hope to learn on Day 2.

The remote nature of work throughout the course of the pandemic has led to many organisations adopting new virtual communications and workflow technologies.

In this session we will hear from a range of organisations on their experiences and discuss how digital solutions can be used effectively to improve collaboration amongst staff and encourage innovation.

Digital technology can unlock greater collaboration and innovations between organisations as well as within them.

In an era of multiple wicked problems, it is vital that this transformative potential is fulfilled.

This session will feature several case studies, drawn from across the globe, of technologically driven solutions to environmental challenges ahead of COP26.

During our lunch break delegates will be able to set up individual meetings with fellow attendees and sponsors to build new working relationships.

A recent CapGemini report cited Scotland as a European frontrunner in digital public services, whilst the Scottish Government have played a pivotal role in developing the CivTech Alliance, a global network of public, private and third sector organisations seeking to drive innovation in public services.

So how can Scotland maintain this excellent progress and act as a global leader in the deployment of technology as a means of improving public services and meeting the challenges of the future?

    Event Details